THE DOLL from Jumping Ibex on Vimeo.
After consulting with his relatives a 35-year-old father approves the marriage of his 14-year-old daughter. As individuals with differing perspectives his family grapple with the decision.
Alireza is consenting to the marriage of his daughter, Asal, even though she is just 14 and in the ninth grade. He has consulted with his relatives and each has their own opinion but to most of them underaged marriage is not an ideal option. There are however many factors for them to consider: Alireza, divorced recently, has financial problems and is living at his workplace. There’s concern about the potential for Asal to pursue relationships with boys outside of islamic marriage and, on top of this, the suitor seems like a good candidate. Asal herself doesn’t argue the decision as she has reasons of her own to pursue the marriage. As the story unfolds we investigate a family’s attitudes and perspectives as they reconcile an imminent underage marriage.
Would You Let Your Daughter Get Married At 14 Years Old?
This short film will make some of you shake your head in disbelief, but there are cultures around the world that believe that it is ok for kids to get married at such a young age. What I found fascinating is that many of the people interviewed for the film was totally against the girl getting married at such a young age. They shared that many of the marriages between youngsters end in divorce. Some of the women felt like the girl was not mature enough to get married at such a young age.
The father on the other hand had a fear that his daughter might grow up to marry outside of the Islamic religion.
Although this film has subtitles, you will want to watch it to the end.
For more information about the film and the filmmakers go to: https://thedolldoc.com/