This morning the weather was a little frigid and for some in our community this could be a trying time of the year. The reason some may find this time of the extremely harsh is because they are homeless. That’s why it is so important for organizations like HomeFirst to exist in our community. HomeFirst Gwinnett is committed to ending homelessness in Gwinnett County. Through the Coordinated Entry System we allow anyone experiencing homelessness or a housing crisis to contact us via phone, internet, or in person to get connected to the resources available in our community.
Through strong relationships with our community partners we make direct links to food services, mental health care, medical care, substance abuse treatment, jobs, hotel vouchers, transitional housing, and longer term housing programs. Either through on site staff, or partners, we are able to provide services in English, Spanish, and Korean.
HomeFirst Gwinnett directly provides a multitude of programs to include diversion, emergency shelter, rental assistance, and utility assistance. We are always assessing the needs of the community and working hard to meet people where they are. If you would like to contribute to our mission go to www.HomeFirstGwinnett.org