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Gwinnett County Public School System With Give Teachers A Raise

The district’s proposed fiscal year 2024 budget includes a $1,000 raise for teachers, which will be in addition to the $2,000 raise that legislators approved for educators in the state’s next budget. That means teachers in Gwinnett should expect to see their salaries increase by about $3,000 on top of their salary step increase in fiscal year 2024. Source: Gwinnett Daily Post

Gwinnett County Public Schools (GCPS) officials in Georgia are proposing an additional $1,000 raise for teachers on top of the $2,000 raise legislators approved for educators in the next state budget. The move comes in response to the results of a district survey of budget priorities, in which 31% of respondents ranked pay as their top priority, followed by facilities (23%), professional development (19%) and safety (15%). The overall proposed GCPS FY 2024 budget, including all funds, is $3bn. The bulk of that is the proposed $2.3bn general fund budget. GCPS is also looking at providing teachers with funding to buy classroom supplies.

Gwinnett Remains To Be The Largest And Most Diverse School System In The State

Other notable efforts outlined in the budget presentation on Monday included funding for technology upgrades and replacements, such as Chromebooks and network infrastructure, and funding for extracurricular activities like athletics and fine arts.

In total, the proposed budget seeks to address the needs and priorities of GCPS employees and students while also taking into account the financial constraints faced by the district. By prioritizing compensation for teachers and other employees, as well as investing in new positions, facilities, and safety measures, GCPS aims to maintain its status as a top-performing district in Georgia and the country as a whole.

While the proposed budget is subject to change as it moves through the approval process, it is clear that GCPS officials are committed to ensuring that their employees are fairly compensated and that their students have access to the resources and opportunities they need to succeed. With a projected enrollment of nearly 184,000 students for the upcoming school year, GCPS remains one of the largest and most diverse school districts in the state, and its continued success is crucial not only for its own students and employees, but for the broader community as well.

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I'm the host of the Good Morning Gwinnett show which is all about business and technology. I'm also the editor of the Good Morning Gwinnett website.
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