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OneStop Centerville Groundbreaking June 28, 2023

Last week, Gwinnett County broke ground on the expansion of OneStop Centerville, a community resource center that provides services and resources to residents in the Centerville area.

The expansion will add 33,500 square feet of space to the existing facility, and will house partner organizations including GNR Health, View Point Health, and Ninth District Head Start. These partnerships will enable the delivery of crucial programs in public health, early learning, mental health, and family services.

OneStop Centerville first opened 10 years ago, and has since served more than 8,000 residents each year. The southern area of Gwinnett County has experienced a significant population surge in recent years, amplifying the demand for services, resources, and programs to support residents’ needs.

The County is using $25 million of federal American Rescue Plan Act funding for the expansion and its initial operations. The new facility is expected to be completed in early 2024.

Benefits of the Expansion

The expansion of OneStop Centerville will provide a number of benefits to residents, including:

  • Increased access to services and resources
  • Enhanced coordination of services
  • Improved collaboration between partner organizations
  • Increased capacity to meet the needs of a growing population.

The expansion of OneStop Centerville is a significant investment in the future of the Centerville community. The new facility will provide residents with the resources they need to thrive, and will help to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to reach their full potential.

About Post Author


I'm the host of the Good Morning Gwinnett show which is all about business and technology. I'm also the editor of the Good Morning Gwinnett website.
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