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Improving Living Conditions: A New Ordinance to Tackle Slumlords

Introduction: Recently, a collaborative effort between local officials has resulted in the implementation of a new ordinance in our city. This ordinance aims to address the issue of slumlords and improve the living conditions for tenants in multi-family and rental properties. In this blog post, we will explore the key details of this ordinance and its impact on both tenants and landlords.

Supporting Residents: Expanding the Scope of Inspections

Under the new ordinance, residents living in subpar conditions can now seek assistance from code enforcement or reach out to the local authorities. While previously our inspections were limited to the exterior of the property, ensuring physical appearances were up to standard, we now have the legal authority to conduct internal inspections as well. This expanded scope allows us to focus on the safety and livability of these units, ensuring that residents are not exposed to mold infestations or unfavorable living conditions.

Taking a Proactive Approach: Implementing Annual Inspections

To further improve living conditions and reduce the burden on tenants, we are exploring the possibility of requiring apartment complexes with a certain number of units to undergo annual inspections. This proactive approach aims to identify any code violations promptly and give landlords the opportunity to rectify them. While specific details of this requirement are still being finalized, the goal is to ensure that over time, all units will be inspected internally.

Easing the Burden on Landlords: Third-Party Inspection Services

We understand that compliance with these new regulations may pose challenges for landlords. To mitigate this, we are considering allowing landlords to hire third-party inspection services to carry out these annual inspections. By inspecting 33 percent of their units each year, landlords can demonstrate that their properties are up to code, receiving a green light to continue their business operations. However, it is important to note that any violations found during these inspections will require landlords to make the necessary improvements to bring their units up to standard, ensuring the well-being of tenants and upholding accountability.

Conclusion: Through the implementation of this new ordinance, our city is taking significant steps to protect the rights and well-being of tenants, promote safe and habitable living conditions, and hold landlords accountable for their properties. By addressing the issue of slumlords and implementing stricter regulations, we are actively working towards creating a better living environment for all residents. By expanding the scope of inspections, implementing annual inspections, and considering third-party inspection services, this ordinance is designed to make a positive impact on the lives of tenants and ensure that their voices are heard. For more information about the Gwinnett Board Of Commissioners CLICK HERE

About Post Author


I'm the host of the Good Morning Gwinnett show which is all about business and technology. I'm also the editor of the Good Morning Gwinnett website.
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