We hear so many dating horror stories these days. Back in my day you met a boy, you dated, you got married and had a couple of kids. Today all I hear are horror stories about how hard it is to date. I was talking to my daughter one day and she was talking about the way that men think as it pertains to dating. You have the single men with no children who doesn’t want to date a woman with children. Then there is the dude who is threaten by beauty and feels like he has to compete with every other man on the planet if he starts to date a beautiful woman. Then there is the super temperamental man, who has so much baggage that he is totally emotionally unavailable.
I used to think that this was only happening to the millennials, but that seems not to be the case. When I talk to friends my age, there is the problem of them being alpha females, or their standards are too high. Those of us who are married are sitting back and saying, yeah we’re going to work this thing out when problems come in the marriage, because as my daughter and friends have shared with us, the dating pool has a lot of pee in it.
When my daughter first shared that phrase with me I fell over laughing. I had never heard of that before. Her name is Dolly Hagler and she is the host of Dolly Said It podcast that will be relaunching in November. She is also the producer of the web series Dating Amari’ where she mixes real life with fiction to share some of her dating stories. Check it out on her YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUsDa07UclCh68hhsppBetQ/videos.