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Expanding Horizons: nesevo’s Journey to Gwinnett County

In today’s ever-evolving global market, companies continuously seek opportunities for growth and expansion. nesevo, a renowned global leader in networking solutions, IT services, and logistics, has recently made headlines by announcing its plans to expand its footprint in Gwinnett County. The company is taking a significant step forward by leasing a spacious 13,000-square-foot facility in Norcross, Georgia, for manufacturing and office operations. This expansion project is projected to create 30 new jobs over the next five years, and nesevo is partnering with Partnership Gwinnett to facilitate this exciting development.

The Thriving Hub of Gwinnett County Welcomes nesevo

Gwinnett County, located in the vibrant state of Georgia, is emerging as a thriving hub for businesses looking to tap into a diverse talent base and excellent international connections. Victor Handl, the Country Manager/Director of nesevo U.S., highlights the county’s appeal, saying, “Gwinnett County provides a diverse talent base to reflect our global presence, excellent access for international connection, and a very strong tech-industry foundation.” This expansion signifies the company’s excitement about the business growth potential available in metro Atlanta and the U.S.

Environmental Stewardship at the Core Is nesvo High Value

One noteworthy aspect of nesevo is its commitment to environmental stewardship and green best practices in all its operations. As an ISO 14001-certified corporation, nesevo places a high value on sustainability. Headquartered in Austria, nesevo has offices across the world, including China, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Hong Kong, Singapore, and the United States. This expansion into Gwinnett County is a testament to the company’s dedication to growth and sustainability in tandem.

Community Support and Recognition To nesevo

Gwinnett County officials are welcoming nesevo with open arms, appreciating the company’s decision to grow within the community. Gwinnett County Commission Chairwoman Nicole Love Hendrickson expressed her gratitude, stating, “We appreciate their decision to grow with us here, in Gwinnett County, and thank them for their investment and contribution to our vibrantly connected and inclusive global community.” This warm reception from the local leadership reinforces the positive impact nesevo’s expansion is expected to have on the region.

Norcross Mayor Craig Newton is equally enthusiastic, stating, “We welcome nesevo to Norcross and are excited to have them as a member of the strong and ever-growing technology industry here in Gwinnett.” The city is poised to benefit from the technological prowess and job opportunities that nesevo’s presence will bring.

Partnership Gwinnett’s Role in Facilitating Growth Retaining nesevo

Partnership Gwinnett played a pivotal role in retaining and supporting nesevo’s expansion plans. While the company was already operating from a smaller location in unincorporated Duluth, the decision to move to a larger facility in Norcross was made with growth in mind. The Gateway 85 Community Improvement District (CID) was selected as it could better accommodate nesevo’s expansion plans.

Executive Director of Gateway85 CID, Emory Morsberger, commended this decision, stating, “It is incredible to have nesevo in the Gateway85 CID. Their investment supports our efforts to keep the district clean, safe, ever-improving, and welcoming to business professionals throughout the region.” This collaboration is not just a win for nesevo but also for the local community and the wider business landscape in the region.

Madeline Lester, Existing Industry Project Manager for Partnership Gwinnett, further underlines the significance of nesevo’s expansion, saying, “Roughly 80% of all job growth comes from a community’s existing industries. nesevo’s decision to expand in Gwinnett demonstrates the strength of Gwinnett’s pro-business climate, and we look forward to watching them grow.”


In a rapidly changing business environment, nesevo’s expansion into Gwinnett County stands as a testament to the region’s appeal and the company’s commitment to sustainable growth. With community support, environmental stewardship, and the backing of Partnership Gwinnett, nesevo is poised to make a significant impact on the local economy and job market.

For more information on nesevo and its expansion plans, please visit


1. What is nesevo’s core business?
Nesevo is a global leader in networking solutions, IT services, and logistics.

2. Where is nesevo headquartered?
Nesevo is headquartered in Austria.

3. How many jobs is nesevo planning to create with its expansion in Gwinnett County?
Nesevo plans to create 30 new jobs over the next five years.

4. What is the significance of nesevo’s ISO 14001 certification?
Nesevo’s ISO 14001 certification highlights its commitment to environmental stewardship and green best practices.

5. Which organization worked to support nesevo’s expansion into Gwinnett County?
Partnership Gwinnett played a pivotal role in facilitating nesevo’s expansion plans and finding an ideal location for their growth.

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About Post Author


I'm the host of the Good Morning Gwinnett show which is all about business and technology. I'm also the editor of the Good Morning Gwinnett website.
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