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As the host of “Good Morning Gwinnett,” I’ve always taken pride in connecting with my community through a mix of music, horoscopes, news, and more. But after recording over 1,000 episodes, I realized something needed to change. The catalyst for this transformation was a piece of honest feedback from a listener: my podcast had too much fluff. It was a tough pill to swallow, but it made me see that a podcast is not a radio show. I needed to adapt.

So, I decided to pivot “Good Morning Gwinnett” to a strictly business and technology-focused format, while keeping its familiar name. This wasn’t just about removing segments; it was about refining the podcast’s identity and aligning it more closely with what my audience wanted: real, valuable content without the extras. I love the podcast space and want to stay here for a long time.

This new direction is a significant shift from the show’s original format. Now, instead of a blend of various topics, I’m diving deep into the realms of business and technology. These fields are not only rich with content but are also areas that my listeners are genuinely interested in. I’m tapping into in-demand topics, aiming to provide insights that are both informative and engaging.

But why keep the name “Good Morning Gwinnett”? For me, it’s a matter of staying true to my roots. The name represents where I started and acknowledges the journey I’ve been on with my listeners. It’s a bridge between the show’s past and its future, maintaining a connection to the community even as the content shifts to broader themes.

This evolution of “Good Morning Gwinnett” is more than a format change. It’s a reflection of my growth as a podcaster and a response to the evolving needs of my audience. I’m excited about this new focus on business and technology, and I believe it will not only help grow my listener base but also position the podcast as a key resource in these fields.

As I embark on this new chapter with “Good Morning Gwinnett,” I’m reminded of the power of feedback and the importance of adaptability. This isn’t just a new direction for the podcast; it’s a step forward in my journey as a content creator, staying true to my local roots while embracing a global perspective. I’m looking forward to exploring the vast landscape of business and technology and bringing my listeners along for the ride.

About Post Author


I'm the host of the Good Morning Gwinnett show which is all about business and technology. I'm also the editor of the Good Morning Gwinnett website.
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