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Young Women In Power
Young Women In Power Chairwoman

In the dynamic world of business, where competition is fierce and the pace relentless, the story of a successful second-generation Bojangles franchisee stands as a beacon of inspiration and a testament to the importance of fostering young talent. Now Lela will become the GWC Young Women In Power Committee Chairwoman.

As someone who oversees marketing strategies for 44 franchise stores across Georgia, North Carolina, and Virginia, this young leader exemplifies what it means to drive a business forward through innovative thinking and a deep-rooted passion for entrepreneurship.

Before Heading Up Young Women In Power

Graduating in 2019 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration, focusing on Marketing and Entrepreneurship from Meredith College, she didn’t just acquire theoretical knowledge; her education was enriched with practical experiences. During her college years, she worked front-line jobs in various restaurants, honing the soft skills crucial for her current success. These experiences underscore the importance of early career exposure and the development of a robust skill set in shaping a competent business leader.

Her journey is particularly compelling because it highlights the significant role that background and education play in preparing young women to take on leadership roles in business. As a passionate advocate for the Bojangles brand, a business that has been a part of her life since her father opened his first location in the early 2000s, she is not only continuing her father’s legacy but also setting a new standard for what young women can achieve in the business world.

The Importance Of The Young Women In Power Committee

Committees like the Young Women In Power at the Gwinnett Women’s Chamber of Commerce are crucial in this context. They provide a platform where young women can learn, grow, and thrive in the business environment. Such initiatives support young women by providing mentorship, networking opportunities, and resources that are essential for starting and scaling businesses. By focusing on young women’s unique challenges and opportunities, these committees play a pivotal role in ensuring that the business landscape is inclusive and diverse.

This story of a young, successful franchisee serves as a powerful example of why we need more targeted support structures for young women in business. It’s not just about creating opportunities; it’s about preparing the next generation of women leaders who are ready to innovate, inspire, and influence. As we witness her continue to elevate the Bojangles brand and contribute to its expansion, we are reminded of the critical importance of nurturing young talent—ensuring they are prepared to lead with creativity, organization, and a visionary outlook.

Young Women In Power Supporting Future Leaders

The existence and success of committees like Young Women In Power highlight the essential role that structured support plays in cultivating these future leaders. They are not just helping individuals; they are shaping the future of commerce by ensuring that young women are empowered, equipped, and ready to take on the world.

About Post Author


I'm the host of the Good Morning Gwinnett show which is all about business and technology. I'm also the editor of the Good Morning Gwinnett website.
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