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Workforce Development

Partnership Gwinnett and Gwinnett County Public Schools (GCPS) recently held their annual Principal Field Trip, an initiative designed to strengthen ties between educational leaders and industry professionals. This event supports workforce development, preparing for both current and emerging economic needs.

Opening Event: Panel Discussion with Industry Leaders

The day started with a breakfast followed by a panel discussion featuring key figures such as Nick Masino, President & CEO of Partnership Gwinnett; Dr. Calvin J. Watts, Superintendent of GCPS; Chad Wagner, President of Peachtree Packaging; and Lauren Croft, HR Director at Peachtree Packaging. Dr. Watts highlighted the significance of the event, stating, “Our principals and educators play a critical role in shaping our future workforce. Today’s gathering is essential for bridging the gap between education and industry, ensuring our students are ready for high-skill and in-demand careers.”

Educational and Industrial Tours

Post-panel, the group enjoyed lunch at Gwinnett Technical College, then visited several local businesses, including Price Industries, QTS, Peachtree Packaging, Mitsubishi Trane HVAC, Aluvision, CleanSpark, Nextran, WIKA, and Eagle Rock Studios. These tours provided principals with a direct insight into industry practices and requirements, further enhancing their understanding of the skills needed in the workforce.

Industry Collaboration: Strengthening Workforce Development

Chad Wagner from Peachtree Packaging expressed his company’s commitment to the initiative, remarking, “Our participation in this event underscores our dedication to nurturing the future workforce. By working together with GCPS and Partnership Gwinnett, we ensure that students gain the essential skills needed for success in today’s job market.”

Impact on Local Economy and Workforce

Gwinnett County Public Schools is the largest public school district in Georgia, serving over 182,000 students across 142 schools. The district’s diverse student body, representing 191 countries and speaking 98 different languages, benefits immensely from career pathways and readiness programs that include career exploration, industry certifications, and internships.

Andrew Hickey, Partnership Gwinnett’s Director of Economic Development, commented on the impact of these educational initiatives, stating, “With thousands of students graduating each year, GCPS significantly contributes to the local workforce, pulling from a labor pool of 2.6 million within a one-hour drive of Gwinnett County. These graduates are equipped with crucial skills for high-demand careers, ensuring a strong future for our local economy.”

This collaboration between educational institutions and industry leaders highlights the proactive steps being taken to integrate educational outcomes with the needs of the local economy, securing a promising future for the next generation of workers.

About Post Author


I'm the host of the Good Morning Gwinnett show which is all about business and technology. I'm also the editor of the Good Morning Gwinnett website.
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