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Tiff's Treats

Cold email outreach can be a bit like sending a gift in the mail—you’re never quite sure how it will be received. Some people might be excited, others might be skeptical, and some (like me) might don rubber gloves and grab the kitchen tongs before daring to open the door! Tiff’s Treats surprised me.

I hadn’t heard of Tiff’s Treats before their marketing manager reached out to me through cold email, offering to send me some warm cookies. Their goal? For me to keep them in mind the next time I’m shopping for corporate gifts. I admit, I almost forgot about them until the day the cookies arrived.

The Cookie Delivery Surprise

So, here’s how it all went down. It was a typical day when I noticed something unusual on my porch, captured by my Ring doorbell camera. A bag, sitting on the chair outside. I didn’t order anything, and I certainly wasn’t expecting a package. Naturally, my first instinct was suspicion. After all, we live in a world where caution is a must. In true “over-cautious Audrey” fashion, I slipped on rubber gloves, grabbed my trusty kitchen tongs, and cautiously approached the mysterious package.

Once I opened the door and got a closer look, it hit me—it was the cookies from Tiff’s Treats! And get this—they were warm! My immediate suspicion was replaced by a wave of excitement (and hunger). I opened the package, and the smell of freshly baked cookies hit me like a cozy hug.

Let me tell you, those cookies were absolutely delicious! The chocolate chip ones were my favorite, while my husband couldn’t stop raving about the peanut butter. From that moment on, Tiff’s Treats had won us over—not just with their warm cookies, but with their smart cold email outreach.

Why Cold Email Outreach Works: A Sweet Success

Cold email outreach has a reputation for being tricky, but when done right, it can be a sweet success, just like those warm cookies on my porch. I had never heard of Tiff’s Treats before, but their bold move to send me something so thoughtful (and tasty) left a lasting impression.

Now, both my husband and I know exactly where to go the next time we need cookies for an event or as a gift. In fact, I’m already planning to order from Tiff’s Treats for the Gwinnett Women’s Chamber of Commerce’s Georgia AI Summit in 2025. This year’s summit was a hit, with a lot of heavy hitters and smart minds in the room. I know our guests will love tasting those warm, delicious cookies.

And it doesn’t stop there. My husband works in the pharmaceutical industry, where they’re always hosting events. He’s now going to recommend Tiff’s Treats for their future gatherings. All because of a simple, well-timed cold email and some warm cookies.

The Importance of Not Being Afraid to Cold Email

So, what can we learn from this story? Cold email outreach can feel intimidating. You’re essentially putting yourself out there, not knowing how the recipient will react. But as Tiff’s Treats demonstrated, it’s worth the effort. They took a chance by reaching out to someone who had never heard of them before, and their thoughtful approach worked like magic.

If you’re a business owner or marketing manager, don’t be afraid to make that cold call or send that cold email. You never know—you might just win over a new customer (or two) with your persistence and creativity.

Here are some key takeaways about cold emailing:

7 Tips for Effective Cold Email Outreach

  1. Personalize your message.
    Nobody likes receiving generic, cookie-cutter emails. Make sure your outreach is personalized, addressing the recipient’s needs or interests. Tiff’s Treats made their email feel special by offering something thoughtful (cookies!) tailored to my business context.
  2. Offer value upfront.
    Give your recipient a reason to pay attention. Whether it’s a freebie, a useful tip, or an exclusive offer, providing value right away can make your cold email stand out. In my case, warm cookies were an irresistible value add!
  3. Keep it concise.
    People are busy, and nobody wants to read a long-winded email from someone they don’t know. Keep your message short, to the point, and focused on what you can do for them. Tiff’s Treats didn’t overload me with information—they simply offered something delicious and relevant.
  4. Use a catchy subject line.
    Your subject line is the first thing a recipient sees, so make it count. It should be intriguing enough to make them want to open the email. Something like “Warm Cookies on the Way!” could catch anyone’s attention.
  5. Follow up (but don’t be pushy).
    If you don’t get a response right away, don’t give up. A polite follow-up email can be all it takes to re-engage a prospect. Just be sure not to overwhelm them with too many emails.
  6. Be authentic.
    People appreciate honesty and sincerity. Don’t over-promise or try to be someone you’re not. Tiff’s Treats kept their email genuine—they weren’t trying to push a hard sale but rather wanted to introduce themselves in a friendly way.
  7. Measure and improve.
    Cold email outreach is a numbers game. Track your open rates, response rates, and conversions so you can improve your strategy over time. Tiff’s Treats likely has a system in place to measure the success of their outreach, and it’s working!

Why Cold Outreach Can Warm Up Relationships

Cold email outreach isn’t just about making a sale—it’s about starting a relationship. When done right, it can turn a stranger into a loyal customer. It’s a way to introduce your brand, offer value, and make a lasting impression.

Tiff’s Treats went beyond the standard cold email by sending me something tangible (and delicious). That simple gesture turned them from a company I had never heard of into one that I now actively recommend. Their cookies have already been added to my shopping list for future events, and my husband is spreading the word at his work.

Cold Outreach Can Create Long-Term Customers

What’s even better about cold outreach like this is the potential for long-term loyalty. Now that Tiff’s Treats is on my radar, they’ll be my go-to choice for cookies, whether I’m hosting an event, ordering corporate gifts, or just treating myself (because let’s be real, chocolate chip cookies are always a good idea).

And that’s what successful cold email outreach can do. It’s not just about making a quick sale—it’s about creating a positive experience that keeps customers coming back for more. Whether you’re selling cookies, software, or something in between, don’t underestimate the power of that first cold email. You might just create a fan for life.

Final Thoughts

Cold emailing can feel like a shot in the dark, but it’s a marketing strategy that, when done thoughtfully, can yield great results. Tiff’s Treats took a risk by reaching out to me, a stranger, but their bold move paid off. Now, they’ve not only gained a customer in me but also a potential long-term referral through the events I host and the connections my husband makes in his work.

So, if you’ve been hesitant to try cold email outreach, take a cue from Tiff’s Treats. Personalize your message, offer value, and don’t be afraid to make that first move. You never know—your next cold email could lead to a warm, lifelong business relationship.

And if you’re ever in doubt, remember: sometimes a warm cookie can be all it takes to sweeten the deal.

About Post Author


I'm the host of the Good Morning Gwinnett show which is all about business and technology. I'm also the editor of the Good Morning Gwinnett website.
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