The Power of Saying “Yes” and “No”: More Authenticity Creates Healthy Boundaries
Boundaries give us a sense of self, allow us to meet our (and other people’s) needs healthily, and encourage us to treat and be treated...
The More Validation You Seek, The More Unworthy You Feel
If you’ve ever tried to convince someone about you, then you will be all too familiar with that feeling of becoming unconvinced about yourself. Seeking...
Living With Excessive Fear Blocks Love, Care, Trust and Respect
Fear plays a crucial role in alerting us to situations where self-care is necessary. Notifying you of a possible threat, when you don’t distinguish between...
If You Hear THIS, You’re About to Get Your Heart Broken
How do you know if someone’s really over their ex? Sometimes you meet a person who ticks all your boxes, but they also haven’t...
Four Core Values for Healthy Romantic Bonds
Mutually fulfilling relationships are that way because they are underpinned by four core values: love, care, trust and respect. These are universal principles that apply...
Intimate Relationships Need To Be Mutually Fulfilling
In order for a relationship to have a chance of going anywhere good, it needs to be mutually fulfilling. This means that it needs two...
Dangerous Red Flags That Are Risky to Ignore
It’s easy to ignore red flags when we’re falling for someone. But our heart pays the price. When you’re really attracted to someone, you...
How to Break The Toxic Patterns In Your Love Life With Marie Forleo
Do you find yourself always chasing the same type of people in dating? It can be incredibly frustrating when you get caught in familiar toxic...
What You Must Do After a Breakup
Breakups make us feel lonely, kill our motivation, and leave us scared we’ll never find life beyond this pain. But if you’re in a rut...
Unpacking Accountability in the Controversy Surrounding Rapper Blue The Incident: Rapper Blue's Meeting with a Philadelphia Woman The controversy began when a woman from Philadelphia came forward with allegations against rapper Blue....