We’re gearing up for a ribbon cutting to dedicate space for veterans and their families. We’ve also got the dates to keep in mind for the upcoming election with a squash renewal question on the ballot. You can also bring those unused or unwanted prescription drugs to a take back on October 29.
And we have other news around town. Just so you know, those stories and more in this edition of eye on Gwinnett. Thank you so much for watching. I’m Debra Tuff, kicking things off great news for our veterans and their families. On October 10. We’ll be cutting the ribbon to the first ever guys get first ever Gwinnett Veteran and Family Services Center. The center will be located in its newly minted space inside of the county’s Senior Services Center that’s on Swanson drive. Funded by the American rescue plan Act. The new space will give veterans and their families a place to connect with local services free of charge during the ribbon cutting and official signing ceremony will recognize the county as a bridge between veterans and the services that they not only want, what they need. Guess what guys, there’s an election coming up for US senator and many state and local officials. Here are the dates you need to know. So Voter Registration closes in just a few days October 11. Advance voting locations are open October 17 to November 4 from seven to seven. And the deadline to apply for an absentee ballot is October 28. Election day the big day guys November 8 With all precincts open from seven to seven. So make sure you plan your day out and write also will be held if necessary. On December 6 was all precincts open was the magic number from seven to seven. Details are available at Gwinnett elections.com Or by calling 678-226-7210 That number again 678-226-7210 For the voter registrations and elections office for our Spanish speaking audience. We’ve got you here Silvia Key from our communications department.
Sylvia said Nicholas Alexander’s policy now the last 1000 years in mutual funds United States policy localist IKEA standards fetters kanessa See the server line scription demo tantas Sierra l answer your tour de los lugares aboutus Jana della Tara Astana we are those the DCCT nocturia al quatro novembre the Theatreland Manyana acetyl el norte la fecha limited para solicita Onaga later the auto center itself into your Toyotomi LDR DeLaSalle acciones s an ultra novembre controller regardless of what assume abiertos the Theatreland Manyana or Theatreland not. Let’s say Wanda well that CJ Varadkar will see as necessary in staycity seomra controller who that is I would assume IVR ptosis yeah Telangana acidulant does it is a stands for nameless and winner elections puntocom or Jeremy and Facio. The auto Dosso says theater dos uno Cerro para la Officina the inscription though tantas excellence when a police partnering with the Federal Drug Enforcement Administration for drug takeback the event will be held October 29.
From 10am to noon, you can properly dispose of unused or expired prescription medications and help prevent drug abuse in our community. That’s huge. You can bring your tablets capsules and hatches but not anything sharp or liquid. You can also drop those prescriptions off at any Gwinnett County police station. Just so you know. If you have new or gently used coats you can drop them off at Peachtree Ridge High School is the Gwinnett County Schools area to PTA first coat for community event. The drive will be held October 1 and October 15 from 9am until 10. Also, if you’re looking for a career in law enforcement Gwinnett County Sheriff’s Office may be the place for you. The become a star Career Expo will be held October 15 from 9am until four at the Gwinnett County Jail in Lawrenceville and the great news candidates may be interviewed at the expo as well. Now you’re in Belize. Hey, are you social? Follow up with that girl on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for more county news or you can visit our website Gwinnett county.com and stream our videos on demand. 24/7 great videos by the way at TV gwinnett.com remember new COVID boosters are now available. They’ll get yours if you haven’t already. I’m Debra tough. Thank you so much for watching. See you next time